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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Perbedaan antara Sugar Glider dan Flying Squirrel

Banyak orang yang terkecoh, banyak yang menyangka bahwa FS sama dengan SG. Meski penampilan secara keseluruhan hampir terlihat sama. Tetapi fakta bahwa mereka sangat berbeda jauh dengan Sugar Glider.
Meski sama-sama nocturnal, FS dan SG mempunyai kelas yang berbeda menurut wikipedia. SG termasuk dalam kelas marsupial dan FS kedalam kelas rodent.

Lebih lanjut silahkan lihat perbedaan ini berdasarkan dari wikipedia

Flying Squirrel

Berdasar wikipedia
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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Sciuridae
Subfamily: Sciurinae
Tribe: Pteromyini
Brandt, 1855
Flying squirrels, scientifically known as Pteromyini or Petauristini, are a tribe of 44 species of squirrels (family Sciuridae).



A flying squirrel gliding
Flying squirrels are not capable of powered flight like birds or bats; instead, they glide between trees. They are capable of obtaining lift within the course of these flights, with flights recorded to 90 meters (295 ft).[2][3] The direction and speed of the animal in midair is varied by changing the positions of its two arms and legs, largely controlled by small cartilaginous wrist bones.[4] This changes the tautness of the patagium, a furry parachute-like membrane that stretches from wrist to ankle.[4] It has a fluffy tail that stabilizes in flight. The tail acts as an adjunct airfoil, working as an air brake before landing on a tree trunk.[5]
The colugos, Petauridae, and Anomaluridae are gliding mammals, which are similar to flying squirrels, because of convergent evolution.A few mammals can glide through the trees, but they do not actually fly (like birds and bats). They have a membrane of skin on either side of their body.


The largest of the species is the woolly flying squirrel (Eupetaurus cinereus). The two species of the genus Glaucomys (Glaucomys sabrinus and Glaucomys volans) are native to North America, and the Siberian flying squirrel is native to parts of northern Europe (Pteromys volans).
Thorington and Hoffman (2005) recognize 15 genera of flying squirrels in two subtribes.
Tribe Pteromyini – flying squirrels
Two new species have been recently added from northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.[6][7] These are:


A Southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans) gliding
Though their life expectancy in the wild is six years, flying squirrels may live fifteen years in captivity. This is due to these creatures being important prey animals. Predation mortality rates in sub-adults are high. Predators include arboreal snakes, raccoons, nocturnal owls, martens, fishers, coyotes, and the domestic cat.[2] In the Pacific Northwest of North America, the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis) is a well-known predator. Flying squirrels are nocturnal,[8] flying at night as they are not adept in escaping birds of prey that hunt during daylight.[2] Flying Squirrels eat according to how hungry they are and what type of environment they are in. They eat whatever types of food they can find in their environment; if desperate they will eat anything. Southern Flying Squirrels eat seeds, insects, gastropods such as slugs and snails, spiders, tree shrubs, flowers, fungi and tree sap[citation needed].


The mating season is between February to March. When young are born, the female squirrels live with them in maternal nest sites; they nurture and protect them until they leave the nest. The males do not participate in nurturing their offspring.[9]
At birth, they are mostly hairless, apart from their whiskers, and most of their senses are not present. The internal organs are visible through the skin, and their sex can be signified. By week 5 of their life, they are almost fully furred and developed. At that point, they can respond to their environment and start to develop a mind of their own. Through the upcoming weeks of their lives, they practice leaping and gliding. After two and a half months, their gliding skills are perfected, they are ready to leave their nest and are capable of independent survival.[10]


Flying squirrels can easily forage for food in the night, given their highly developed sense of smell, where they harvest fruits, nuts, fungi, and bird eggs.[2][11] Gliding conserves energy.[3]

Sedangkan Sugar Glider

Berdasar wikipedia
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The sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps) is a small gliding possum.[3][4][5]
The sugar glider is a marsupial that is native to eastern and northern mainland Australia (as well as being introduced to Tasmania, Australia) and is also native to New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago.



Sugar glider climbing down from a plant
Sugar gliders can be found all throughout the northern and eastern parts of mainland Australia, as well as the surrounding islands of Tasmania, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia. They can be found in any forest where there is food supply but are commonly found in forests with eucalyptus trees. They are nocturnal, meaning they sleep in their nests during the day and are active at night.[6] At night, they hunt for insects and small vertebrates and feed on the sweet sap of certain species of eucalyptus, acacia and gum trees.[7] The sugar glider is named for its preference for nectarous foods and its ability to glide through the air, much like a flying squirrel.[7][8]
When suitable habitats are present, sugar gliders can be seen 1 per 1,000 square meters provided that there are tree hollows available for shelter. They live in groups of up to seven adults, plus the current season's young, all sharing a nest and defending their territory, an example of helping at the nest. A dominant adult male will mark his territory and members of the group with saliva and a scent produced by separate glands on the forehead and chest. Intruders who lack the appropriate scent marking are expelled violently.[7]

Appearance and anatomy

A sugar glider has a squirrel-like body with a long partially[9] prehensile tail. The males are larger than the females, and their length from nose to tip of tail is about 24 to 30 cm (12–13 inches, the body itself is approx. 5–6 inches). A sugar glider has a thick, soft fur coat that is usually blue-grey; some have been known to be yellow, tan, or albino. A black stripe is seen from its nose to midway of its back. Its belly, throat, and chest is a cream color.[6]
It has five digits on each foot, each having a claw, except for the opposable toe on the hindfeet. Also on the hindfeet, the second and third digits are partially syndactylous (fused) together to form a grooming comb.[10] Its most striking feature is the patagium, or membrane, that extends from the fifth finger to the first toe. When legs are stretched out, this membrane allows it to glide distances of 50–150 meters. This gliding is regulated by changing the curvature of the membrane or moving the legs and tail.[11]
Another feature are the scent glands, located on the frontal (forehead), sternal (chest), and paracloacal (cloaca). These are used for marking purposes, mainly for the males. The frontal is easily seen on adult males as a bald spot. The male also has a bifurcated (two shafts) penis. The female has a marsupium (pouch) in the middle of her abdomen to carry offspring.[10]


During the cold season, drought, or rainy nights, a sugar glider's activity is reduced. This is usually seen due to torpor. In the winter season or drought, there is a decrease in food supply, which is a challenge for this marsupial because of the energy cost for the maintenance of its metabolism,[12] locomotion, and thermoregulation. With energetic constraints, the sugar glider will enter into daily torpor for 2–23 hours while in rest phase.[13] However, before entering torpor, a sugar glider will reduce activity and body temperature normality in order to lower energy expenditure and avoid torpor.[12][14]
Torpor, which is seen as an emergency measure, allows the animal to save energy by allowing its body temperature to fall to a minimum of 10.4 °C[13] to 19.6 °C.[15] When the food is scarce, as in winter, heat production is lowered in order to reduce energy expenditure.[16] With low energy and heat production, it is important for the sugar glider to peak its body mass by fat content in autumn (May/June)[17] in order to survive the following cold season. In the wild, sugar gliders enter into daily torpor more often than sugar gliders in captivity.[14][15]

Diet and nutrition

Like many exotic animals, the sugar glider can suffer from calcium deficiencies if it is not fed an adequate diet.[18] Calcium to phosphorus ratios should be 2:1 to prevent hypocalcemia, sometimes known as hind leg paralysis (HLP).[19]
In the wild, gliders live off gum and sap (typically from the eucalyptus), acacia trees, nectar and pollen, manna and honeydew and a wide variety of insects and arachnids. A captive glider's diet should be 50% insects (gut-loaded) or other sources of protein, 25% fruit and 25% vegetables.[clarification needed][20] Some of the more recognized diets are BML, HPW, Priscilla Price Diet, and LBM. These diets are proper protein supplements for captive sugar gliders.[citation needed]


The age of sexual maturity in sugar gliders varies slightly between the males and females. The males reach maturity between 4–12 months old, while females reach maturity between 8–12 months. In the wild, sugar gliders breed once or twice a year depending on the climate and habitat conditions, while they can breed multiple times a year in captivity as a result of consistent living conditions and proper diet.[10]
A sugar glider female has one (19%) or two (81%) joeys a litter. The gestation period is 15 to 17 days, after which the baby sugar glider (0.2 g) will crawl into a mother's pouch for further development. It is virtually unnoticeable that the female is pregnant until after the joey has climbed into her pouch and begins to grow, forming bumps in her pouch. Once in the pouch, the joey will attach itself to its mother's nipple, where it will stay for about 60 to 70 days. The joey gradually spills out of the pouch until it falls out completely. The mother can get pregnant while her joeys are still ip (in pouch) and hold the pregnancy until the pouch is available. Their eyes will remain closed for another 12–14 days, and they are virtually furless at first. During this time, they will begin to mature by growing fur and increasing gradually in size. It is about two months for the offspring to be completely weaned off of the mother, and at four months, they are on their own.[10]

Conservation status

Unlike many native Southern Australian animals, particularly smaller ones, the sugar glider is not endangered.[21] Despite the massive loss of natural habitat in Australia over the last 200 years, it is adaptable and capable of living in surprisingly small patches of remnant bush, particularly if it does not have to cross large expanses of clear-felled land to reach them. Several close relatives, however, are endangered, particularly Leadbeater's Possum and the Mahogany Glider. The sugar glider is protected by law in South Australia, where it is illegal to keep them without a permit[22] or to capture or sell them without a license (which is usually only issued for research).

As pets

Male sugar glider on a table
Around the world, the sugar glider is a popular domestic pet, but is one of the most commonly traded wild animals in the illegal pet trade, where animals are plucked directly from their natural habitats.[23] In Australia, sugar gliders can be kept in Victoria, South Australia and the Northern Territory but not Western Australia, New South Wales, ACT or Tasmania.[24]
Sugar gliders are most popular as pets in the United States, where they are bred in large numbers. Most states and cities allow sugar gliders as pets, with four exceptions: California[25], Massachusetts[26], Hawaii and Alaska.


There are seven subspecies of P. breviceps:

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sebelumnya saya mohon maaf apabila ada yang merasa mempunyai hak atas gambar di bawah ini. Silahkan post disini untuk mengklaimnya. dan pasti akan saya edit dengan segera.

Gambar untuk Flying Squirrel

Sedangkan gambar untuk Sugar Glider

Thx untuk Renny.

Thx untuk Roshita Damayanti

Thx untuk Elsye Hosea
Thx untuk Clint Putra Widjaja
Thx untuk Baskoro Widyanto
Thx untuk Syaiful Arif
Thx untuk Budi Widyanto

Tidak lengkap rasanya tanpa menyertakan semua gambar Sugar Glider saya
Ini adalah SG pertama saya. Yang bawah adalah Lil Bit yang telah lepas dan yang di atas adalah Aimee yang setia menemani saya sampai saat ini
Ini adalah Melty, SG yang saya dapatkan di pasar hewan. Lihat hidungnya terluka seperti yang pernah saya sebutkan di tulisan yang lain. Saat ini Melty sedang hamil yang kedua kali.
Salah satu Joey yang pernah saya jual

Maaf hanya ini yang bisa saya jelaskan, semoga penjelasan ini berguna dan juga agar calon adopter Sugar Glider tidak terkecoh dalam membeli Sugar Glider.
Kurang lengkap rasanya jika saya belum mengucapkan maaf apabila ada keterangan saya yang salah.

saya sangat menghargai sekali apabila jika ingin menshare tulisan saya
menyertakan sumber dari tulisan ini

Saya kemungkinan akan sangat jarang sekali membalas pertanyaan" teman" di blog ini.

Jika ada pertanyaan" mohon kiranya bertanya di grup facebook kami di ( klik saja ) SGFC 
di grup ini kita saling berbagi pengalaman bersama dan tentunya menambah teman.
atau datang ke acara gath rutin kami di halte dukuh atas samping patung sudirman setiap hari minggu pagi dari jam 06.00  pagi sampai dengan jam 10.30 pagi di acara car free day
yang ingin mencari teman sesama pencinta sugar glider
meminta tolong di ajari cara potong kuku gratis dll

gabung yukkkk

4 komentar:

Anonymous January 23, 2012 at 2:06 AM  

kalau sugar glider anda sendiri sudah jinak/bonded belum?

sonny catro blog January 25, 2012 at 4:46 AM  

ada beberapa yang sampai sekarang dibiarkan apa adanya dikandang.
karena tidak semua sg saya dipelihara dari kecil.
ada yang adopt sudah besar dari pasar hewan atau dari hibah teman-teman.

Anonymous May 26, 2013 at 6:01 PM  

Mas tolong dong, tulisannya jangan hasil copasan semua, kalo bisa di translatekan ke dalam bahasa indonesia, kan kebanyakan yg berkunjung ke blog ini orang Indonesia, dan tidak semua orang indonesia mengerti bahasa Inggris.

Terima kasih :)

sonny catro blog August 9, 2013 at 8:41 PM  

ada beberapa tulisan yang memang hasil copasan.
pada waktu saya publish saya sedang malas untuk translate.
next time akan saya usahakan di translate dulu

Bergabung di komunitas kami


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